A Man After God's Own Heart - Remembering David Peña

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This Sunday, July 4th, marks the one year anniversary of the passing of our friend and founder David Peña. Although we still feel the ache of our loss, we continue to rejoice in the hope we have in Christ.

We’ve put together the following video to highlight David’s story, his obedience to God’s calling, and the work he accomplished through Texas Reach Out. Join us as we honor David, taking a moment to remember and reflect on his legacy and impact on our community:

This video will be posted to our Instagram and Facebook accounts on July 4th. Please like, comment, share, and repost so others can be encouraged by David’s story.

David was a faithful man who loved Jesus Christ with his whole heart. His own story is one of addiction and redemption, and God placed on him a special calling to found Texas Reach Out to help others grow and transition into a Christ-centered life.

Here at Texas Reach Out, we believe in second chances and in Christ’s power to awaken our hearts. Each year, more than 65,000 men and women are released from the Texas prison system. As so many men and women reenter society, we are determined to continue David’s legacy through the work of Texas Reach Out, giving others the chance that David himself received many years ago.

THANK YOU to all who have provided support to our residents, the Peña family, and Texas Reach Out. We are blessed by your encouragement and generosity.

If you are interested in partnering with Texas Reach Out, consider joining us in prayer, becoming a volunteer, or giving financially. Your support makes it possible for us to continue equipping and empowering men and women to reenter society successfully.

If you would like to partner with us through prayer, here are a few requests from our staff and residents:

  • For the Peña family to feel comforted, supported, and filled with God’s love during this time

  • For Margie Peña’s recent spine pain, and the doctors visits to come

  • For Mike, Margie’s older brother who was also one of Texas Reach Out’s first residents: he is currently in hospice and in a lot of pain. After being a long-time heroin addict and spending time in and out of prison, Mike came to Christ in 2000. 12 years ago, he married Lydia, and they adopted a young girl, Jaylia, who is now 10 years old. Pray for God’s continued mercy over Mike and his family.

  • For our resident Tamia: for her relationship with her oldest daughter and for her family to be restored.

  • For our resident Randy: to be healed from his worsening headaches.

  • For a previous resident Kirby: for healing from lung cancer.

Lastly, David touched the hearts of many residents, family members, and friends. As July 4th approaches, we would love to hear the ways that David blessed you! On July 4th, we will share some of your responses with our Instagram followers and Facebook friends, so that we can all reflect and remember the ways we saw the Lord’s character through David Peña.

Please click the button below to send us an email sharing how David impacted you.
If you would prefer to remain anonymous, let us know in your email.

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“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” Romans 8:18